Author’s Disclaimer – Updated October 1, 2018

The author(s) featured on this site are NOT experts in any field of discussion.  In no way shape or form, for example, should you fire your doctor/lawyer/counselor/financial planner/minister, sell all your possessions and give them away, or take any comment literally without thorough research and/or consulting a professional on a particular topic.  Nor should you ever stop taking a prescription drug, — in fact in some cases it can cause fatal damage to do so (read the side effects).  We recommend consulting a physician or nutritionist if our advice is for you to use your new-found Warrior-Spirit to start a new health/exercise regimen or other positive mind, soul, and body routine .  We promote educating yourself and working with professionals when possible.  However, we do not feel just because someone has a certificate on their wall that every word they say is to be taken as gospel without questioning ANY of it.  In fact, we suggest thoroughly researching all the advice given by anyone for your own well-being.

Our advice is based on personal experience and a compilation of data from multiple sources. At times, I/we do not agree with my/ourselves and may change opinions based on new findings. Therefore, our information, while helping many, needs to be reviewed from a holistic viewpoint. Our goal is to advise you to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY like a Warrior for your own well-being or for those you are privileged to help. Understand that typically you see a professional for a short period of time and often at a high fee per minute.  They can only provide so much advice regarding your personal situation, and they see 1000’s of patients/clients. Be a warrior in fighting for your own life and those in your circle.

A Warrior is a fighter, but in no way would we ever suggest you physically fight someone aside from obvious self-defense situations.  Our intention, however, is to provide help in building your inner warrior that stands confidently in your own abilities and wisdom. God gave you a brain and gifts with power, use them, but never to harm others.

Every individual is made up of a vast array of differences, some slight, some major.   You are unique in a wonderful way. Your DNA is different than any other person, so learn about yourself as no one is going to care about you as much as you do.  Nor do they know you as well as you know yourself (or at least what you need to know about yourself).  Find out what works for you and don’t just assume that the paid for the advice you received is going to be a perfect solution for you.

A simple example, the label on NyQuil says it will help you sleep.  For this average Joe, NyQuil does the exact opposite to my body, it makes me hyper. When a doctor tells me they are going to give me a sleep med, I tell them what I just told you. Unless I tell him or her, the Doctor would assume it will work, but if they are aware it does the opposite to me, the whole solution changes completely.

Our sources and techniques for dealing with worry, anxiety and the tips to help gain balance in all areas that cause anxiety take into account a humans physical/natural aspects. We believe those will only solve part of any problem as the mental/spiritual, makeup of our body, soul, and our inner spirit needs to be addressed. Opinions vary in each of these areas. We hope to guide those who cannot afford to pay for professional services and allow dialogue to explore every angle to help you reach your fullest potential.  

Our goal is to force you to dig deeper into a topic before taking the first word of advice from anyone, including this site. The opinions and advice featured in Average JoesPortico have worked well for many but may only partially work for you. If you choose to incorporate any ideas included on this site into your own financial, health, mental, spiritual, and life planning, you do so at your own risk. We do NOT take any responsibility for the decisions you may make, even if they are based on something you read on this site.  Often our advice is based on learning the hard way, and it has worked well for many people. But there are no guarantees thus we strongly recommend you think about, pray about, and gather as much information on each topic before proceeding with a life change. Be wise!

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By visiting, viewing, accessing or using any of the services or information compiled, written, created, or collected,  you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions of Service. You understand, agree and acknowledge that these Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and and your use of information, whether accepted in writing or sight only indicates acceptance of this agreement.  If you are in disagreement with any of the terms, disclaimers, policies, and privacy terms, leave the site immediately.


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Affiliate links and random ads may be used throughout the website to provide easy access to useful websites, products, and services.  Most services on this site are offered free of charge, but at times other sites, books, music, and information may be linked to sites that sell products and services. On some occasions, JoesPortico receives a small advertising fee for showing the purchase location.  For instance, as an Amazon Associate, I earn a small percentage of qualifying purchases that start from a link provided within the website or blog post. We apologize in advance for any ads that appear that are in poor taste or are offensive. Please understand, that other than direct affiliate ads that has that we typically have no association with the ad providers and often they are chosen from computer generated algorithms out of our control.   All terms and policies of Google Adsense, Amazon, and other associations apply.  We reserve the right to add or make changes with our affiliate partners without notice.

Why do we have ads and affiliate links?  The old adage that nothing in life is free is primarily true.   The author(s) goal is to provide as much information as possible at no cost to our readers and friends, but we do have costs associated with upkeep and operation of the website.  By viewing and supporting some of the advertisements we receive a small per click fee or in some cases a small percentage of purchases you may make of items we recommend. is in no way responsible for any policies, returns, refunds, or any portion of transactions you make outside of our webpage.  We do appreciate you supporting ones that appeal to your liking.


All content is written by Average Joe Lapos and an occasional guest unless otherwise noted. Please share my posts, especially via Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.  You may also forward my generic emails to friends, but suggest you recommend they subscribe to receive their own notifications.  Feel free to share links or quotes, but not an entire post, but you may share links. If you would like permission to use more than a paragraph; email for consideration and written approval. You may not use any photographs or graphics without permission.  Sharing posts directly from our Facebook posts and other Average Joe locations is absolutely ok and encouraged, please do.  However, cutting and pasting within your own social media post requires permission or must be referenced and linked within the post.  We appreciate notifying us if you have done so or plan to use our material.

Photographs and drawings are often self-produced but also gathered from ‘free of copyright’ photo locations, or they are purchased.   If there is a copyrighted photo used unintentionally, please contact us with the specific copyright information, and we will respectfully remove and/or replace the photo.  It is never intended as we fully respect the hard work of fellow artists. Understand sometimes photos are provided as free unbeknownst to us that were not identified as copyright protected.  We will do our best to either pay for the rights or remove them upon notice.  Note at times we pay for photos via sites such as Adobe, and never knowingly use others photos or artwork.

As a resource provider, we often provide links to other blogs, websites, and resources.  We intend to help other content providers to gain new readers and followers.  If you see a post or site and do not wish for us to provide your link, please let us know, and we will remove it immediately and make a note not to use your site as a reference in the future.

Note, often are posts are edited multiple times around the original publish date, and most recently for ALL of our previous blog posts.  In most cases, this is because grammatical errors are discovered by our readers or in re-reading the articles ourselves and seeing things the spell-checker missed.  Our previous web-hosting company lost portions of every blog post before the summer of 2018, sigh, yes it was painful and time-consuming to repair.  Average Joe considers his writings to be like those of songwriter that savors the original content.  Therefore nearly all previous postings retain the original posting date. In repairing each post – pictures, links, and content were updated where necessary.

In some cases, new lessons had been garnered and applied within the posts.  Some corrections to dates, names, places, numbers, stats, were also updated to correct errors.   Being a perfectionist is a common trait for us worriers.   Average Joe pleads guilty to trying to make each blog post perfect and pleads guilty to at times editing documents to make them better or more accurate.   Often corrections are made based on follower feedback, or from my wife who points out when I exaggerate.

Quotes from other blogs, authors, books, public figures, or the Bible may be used.   Typically sources such as the Bible are identified, or the link is provided.   Otherwise, see the following notes for copyright info as follows:

New Living Translation (NLT) Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The Message Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Amplified Classic Edition (AMPC) “Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMPC), Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission.

New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

New International Version (NIV®) Scripture quotations marked (NIV®) are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

TPT – The Passion Translation – Scripture quotations marked TPT are taken from The Passion Translation TM, copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. Used by permission of 5 Fold Media, LLC, Syracuse, NY 13039, United States of America. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated.

NASB – NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE – Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE(R), Copyright (C) 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation.  Used by permission.

ESV – Scriptures marked ESV are taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, ENGLISH STANDARD   VERSION (ESV): Scriptures taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, ENGLISH STANDARD  VERSION ® Copyright© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

Thanks for following Average Joe’s Portico.  We are far from perfect, please let us know if you notice mistakes in our content or in properly crediting quotes, photos, and outside links.

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