Juror #97 Victims Everywhere

Juror #97 Victims Everywhere

   Juror #97 Part VI –  Victims EverywhereIt has been exactly 2 years since the June 3, 2022 sentence of the death penalty for Joshua Lee Burgess.  Today, he sits with little to no action since his sentencing and for sure he is still alive and ticking eating 3...
Widows to Wizards II

Widows to Wizards II

Widows to Wizards II Taxes  This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Part 1 covered housing growth and its effect on widows, senior citizens, with video link.  See Part 1 Here   For the past 6 years we have had the joy of living in an older neighborhood.  Many of the...
Widows to Wizards

Widows to Wizards

Widows to Wizards PART 1    This is part 1 of a 2-part series. Part 1 covers housing growth and its effect on widows, senior citizens, and everyone in general.Shortly after semi-retiring 6 years ago we did what many in the close-to-senior -years do when the kids have...
Labor Day Luck or a Miracle?

Labor Day Luck or a Miracle?

Labor Day Luck or a Miracle?This is an updated version of a true story posted on September 21, 2021. All is near exactly as written but it has a 2 years later update added at the end of part 1 just before the red line. It also has 3 paragraphs added to the story at...
Work Hard To Rest

Work Hard To Rest

Work Hard to RestSummer is here and everyone is off and running to their favorite getaway for a ‘much-needed’ vacation.  Whether you are a stressed-out student in school or enslaved to your job or business we all need a REST!  In this hustle and bustle...
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