Why I write Longgg stories.

Why I write Longgg stories.

Why I write long stories. Smartphones and tablets are amazing, providing information at our fingertips for nearly everything.  Paper maps and memory were replaced by a GPS, pencil and paper by calculators, phone books and other memorized numbers by contact lists, and...
A Preeminent Mindset

A Preeminent Mindset

My first job with a paystub was working in the greasy kitchen of a KFC.  Nothing can break you away quicker from the fast-food world than scorching your hands with spattering hot grease.  Nothing could motivate you more to get an education and training so you never...
Lucky or A Miracle?

Lucky or A Miracle?

Lucky or a Miracle?Two weeks ago, on Labor Day; I knocked off four non-bucket-list items, an ambulance ride, a life-flight ride, surgery, and a brain MRI.  Not exactly, the type of fun events one puts on their wish list.  Only an hour or so after the trauma, I awoke...
Beware of a Hardened Heart

Beware of a Hardened Heart

Beware of a Hardened Heart2020 will go down in history as a year of chaos, disorder, and disappointment.  Covid-19, elections, sports seasons a strew, some businesses shut down some not, money dwindling, national debt skyrockets, political unrest, worry about...
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