Why I Write for Free

Why I Write for Free

Why I Write For Free Why do I Write for Free? I’ll save the punch lines for my detractors –  1. because nobody will pay for it. 2. The cover picture has a bench that I sat on for two hours; seated are how many people will read this.   3. All the people who...
8 No Worries Tax Tips

8 No Worries Tax Tips

Tax season is upon us, and for worriers, it is hard not to have anxiety in getting those tax forms and checks sent out to the tax collectors by April 15th.  Not to brag, well forget that 20 hours later, to brag, I mailed all my forms and figures off to the Accountant...
No Worries Credit Card Precautions

No Worries Credit Card Precautions

No Worries Credit Card Precautions Credit Card companies reported an estimated $24billion loss in fraudulent charges   in 2017 despite increasing security added with the chip insert.  For us worriers, this should create anxiety over ever wanting to hold a credit card...
Thank You Note Writers

Thank You Note Writers

Thank you is such a simple statement but it means so much in many ways.  Yet today’s culture seems to have forgotten how to express those two very important words. Perhaps it is social media; after receiving 64 Happy Birthday’s who wants to write a single thank...
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